Board Meeting July 20 7pm

Board meeting will be at 9507 Tea Rose Trail.

Our first in person meeting since before Covid, Yay!

CCOBNA Board Meeting Agenda

Date: 2021July20 Tuesday

  1. Call to order
  2. Financial Highlights by Char and Carla
  3. Expenses since last meeting.
  4. New member payments
  5. Raffle funds
  6. Non-recurring projects/events:

a. Tree trimming in front. Terri called one vendor for an estimate.

 b. Clearing the front entrance to add a garden. Terri to come up with a plan. Will we have an October clean up date and see if we can get residents to help?

  • Recurring events
  1. 4th of July event
    1. Thanks to Tammy and all contributors, flyer distribution, food contributions, tents, setup and takedown. etc.
  2. Need a food truck for Neighborhood night out Aug 3. Are we doing anything more?
  3. October – clean up day for the front?  

5. Discussions/Voting/ neighborhood updates:

  1. MUD fees to be removed from Nov 2021. (I will repeat this in the newsletter through NOV so new people know about it)
  2. playground at back park finished. I sent a letter asking why the canopies are so small… not very practical but the park looks good.
  3. Confirm our bylaws are voted and updates/Terri need to update the website
  4. Vote on renewal of website fees

6. Open floor (Any available time)

  1. Thanks to Santosh for service to the community and good luck with his relocation.
  2. Please share new neighbor information to be posted on the website.
  3. Future Event suggestions.
  4. Wish list per availability of funds:
    1. Flashy signs up at the front entrance to announce events planned.
    1. CCOBNA sponsor social event/s with food and/or beverages.
  5. Upgrades/New projects (park lights, playground, security)?
  6. How to get more people to pay dues.
  7. Get a volunteer to update the front board when needed.